Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Bernadette Protti Lurking the Blogs?

Anonymous wrote
"Tracey,you have never shared your personal thoughts on the case. Do you believe it was premeditated? I honestly believe that she is making the most out of her new life. I think she is embarassed,and feels guilty over the crime."

No, I don't think the murder was premeditated. I think something happened when they were in the car. Something that scared Bernadette so much that it sent her over the edge. Don't forget the climate of Orinda at that time. It was fierce. The competition, the bullying, the rumors that could easily malign you from the community. Remember the case of the girl whom they accused of being a witch. 

Bernadette was an outsider by all accounts. She fit it somewhat, but not totally. She lived a little bit outside of the area, so she was not one of the rich kids, though her parents did ok. Fitting in was extremely important to Bernadette. She wanted to go to THAT school and fit in with THOSE girls...period.

She did everything possible to fit in, and she did, for the most part. But, she needed the acceptance of Kirsten. She wanted to be Kirsten's friend, and now Kirsten was going to ruin all of that by exposing Bernadette. The movie's portrayal of Kirsten was pretty spot on. This is not a fact that will be admitted by Kirsten's friends.

But ask anyone who was at the mercy of Kirsten's wrath, and the picture will become a bit more clear. 

Back to the inside of the car, I think it is very possible that Bernadette showed a little too much interest, and that interest in Kirsten was misconstrued as Bernadette trying to come on to Kirsten, thus the lesbian theories. Kisten was going to tell everyone about it, and Bernadette's anger and fear got the best of her.
Does she feel remorse?
At the time she did. Remember the movie stuck very close to the trial transcripts....very close. The crime was eating away at her, and she really did want to confess to her mom but feared what her mother would think. This whole crime was about Bernadette's fear of not being accepted and being pushed and pressured to fit in to a world the time....was not hers.

Has she changed?

I have no idea. People do have a change of heart. She was a teenager, I am sure she is a totally different person now.
Were Kirsten's action an excuse for Bernadette Protti to take her life?Absolutely not! Kirsten did not deserve what happened to her.
Anonymous wrote
"I have heard that she didn't actually turn herself in,but only did so after she was cornered. To the blog owner,has Bernadette ever written you? I know you stated at one point you had talked to a family member."
No, as far as I know, I have never spoken directly with Bernadette Protti. When I first broke the news that I had uncovered her identity, I received a flurry of disparaging emails, and I thought perhaps it could have been her. But, I can't be sure. Plus, the language in the emails did not fit the language befitting a seasoned medical writer, now that I think about it.
But, who knows. 
Yes, I have spoken to a family member, but I do not remember who it was. I made two calls: one to her sister and another to a family member. I left a message on one call, and spoke to an actual person on another call. I was promptly dismissed though. The person never revealed any information to me, and I have never made an attempt to contact them again.
I also remember sending an email to her sister, who I believe was an attorney or something like that. It's been a long time so.... 
Anonymous said...
Tracey, are you going to comment on the recent post by, "Bernadette no more?" Do you believe that was a comment from the real Bernadette? I think it would be great to know and also to know your opinion about the post. Thank you. "
Yes, I think she reads the blogs. I don't think she comments much, but I do think she has commented before.  There was one person lurking on here some time ago that pretended to be her. I don't think that person that you are talking about was her, but I will go back and look through the comments to see. She is probably too busy to lurk here most days, but who knows.


Pokey said...

Tracey, you could be riught..IMDB.,com had smeone repoorting a "summerain903" posting as Bernadette and saying RIP back around 2005 (the IMDB post was in JUly 2007)..btw I saw that in its 1994 TV airing qhen it was called "A Friend to Die For:, and red about his so I know a lot about it..I believew that this was the blog where someone claiming to be Bernadette and giving out the summerrain903 adress posted..SC

Anonymous said...

Tracey,you have never shared your personal thoughts on the case. Do you believe it was premeditated? I honestly believe that she is making the most out of her new life. I think she is embarassed,and feels guilty over the crime.

dbistola said...

I also believe she got carried away by the fear that Kirsten would tell the whole school that she was hitting on her. It was the 80's. Being called gay as a kid was the KISS OF DEATH.