Thursday, July 31, 2014

The movie's accuracy: Bernadette and Kirsten

Question from Frankie del Toro:  "Hi Traciy! I was just curious as to how you found out that the movie's portrayal of Kirsten was accurate. From all of the things I read, it sounded more like Kirsten just didn't like Bernadette and didn't hide it very well, but didn't bully her, either. I'm dying of curiosity about that. Thanks! I enjoy your blog immensely."

Hello and thanks. The movie was supposedly based on the trial transcripts and the article about Orinda. The names were changed around for the film to disguise the true identity of the people involved. My feeling is that someone very close to the case sold their rights to the story, but I am not sure who.

Several of Bernadette and Kirsten's schoolmates have written to me over the years giving their versions of the true events. Those on the side of Kirsten undoubtedly always deny that she was a bully. But, there are several girls who claim to have been treated very badly by Kirsten.

As for the bullying issue, could it have been as overt as in the movie where the character that is supposed to be based on Kirsten actually walked up to people and bullied them, or if it was just that she treated them badly when they were in her presence? I can't be sure. I don't think we'll ever have a true picture. 

I do believe there is enough evidence to show that Kirsten was not a "nice" person to many people. And that Bernadette was generally well-liked by everyone.


Anonymous said...

I don't believe Kirsten bullied bernedette at all I would however be interested to know what these girls have said to you regarding being bullied by Kirsten read kirstens grave site someone said she was a beautiful person bernedette went to kirstens house and followed her and rang her mum up now someone being bullied by someone would not do that they would stay clear of them bernedette had the knife surely that makes her the bully however what if kirstens parents or friends or brother is reading this or someone very close who knew Kirsten very well I bet these comments hurt more than anything I don't condone bullying of any kind

stephanie said...

can I just comment to tracey I don't believe Kirsten is painted in a good light I don't think it is fair that she was called a bully when she was murdered I am really interested in knowing what these girls have said about Kirsten in a bad way her classmates as I read on her grave page someone sing a cheerleader chorus saying they were glad the cheerleader bitch was dead I was shocked beyond belief I find that to be more disgusting than what I believe they may of said to her

Unknown said...

Thank you for your reply, Traciy. I guess I assumed that if Kirsten really did bully Bernadette, then more of that would've ended up in the papers. That may not be true.

It's also possible that she didn't even bully BERNADETTE that badly, but that she was truly mean to others. It's very well possible that she mostly ignored Bernadette while truly picking on others. There's no way to know unless we were there ourselves, and your information helps remind everyone of that. It helps us really make up our minds about how we feel about the case.

I still feel that Kirsten did not deserve what happened to her, no matter what she did to folks, but I hope she didn't treat people that badly. But who knows for sure?

Your blog makes us think, and that's important. Thank you again for your time!

Unknown said...

Whatever Kristen said or did to bernadette, she didnt deserve to DIE...and Im tired of hearing things like poor Bernadette.... she did her time... Leave bernadette alone so she can have her life...Im sorry but did Kristen have her chance in life? She didnt get to go on dates or get married or have kids! Why is it always the killer who becomes the victim? We are sincerly living in a horrible horrible world with horrible people.....

Unknown said...

Well said Jessy!
Where's the empathy people?

LovelyLady said...

There is no excuse for taking someone's life. And I agree the act was heinous. However, Yahweh has already forgiven this lady, so why can't we? It's a horrible act she committed when she was 15 years old.

I have no doubt that Bernadette has changed for the best in all this time. She did start out being a good person, then one moment she made a horrible decision. We're all capable of that.

She served her time for the crime committed, even if some of us don't agree with the length of the sentence. The point is she did learn from her mistakes. She has not killed since and I highly doubt she ever would again.

God gave her a second chance so I think we need to forgive her and let her be as well.

None of us are WITHOUT fault or sin so who are we to judge? Not that I don't have THE MOST compassion for the Costas family. They suffered a tremendous loss, but all of us hating Bernadette cannot bring Kirsten back.

LovelyLady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

LovelyLady, how do YOU know god forgave her? I personally don't even believe in god, which is why I wish she had gotten more time; she's not going to be punished any more for this crime. Not in the afterlife.

I find it so funny that so many people here seem to think they KNOW what god thinks, or that there is even a god. No one KNOWS.

LovelyLady said...

Frankie DelToro, I personally DO believe in God. How do YOU know God didn't forgive her? I know God forgave her because he's forgiven me for all the foolish mistakes I've made. I have a relationship with him and he speaks to my spirit and I listen to him. I also speak to him on a daily basis.

I find it super hilarious that so many atheists think they know everything when they don't even possess the common sense to realize that God does exist. I want to tell them all you don't see air but certainly have enough faith to inhale don't you? The bible is the mid of God and if you read and understand it daily and spend enough time with God, you will get to know how he thinks.

NO ONE knows? No, YOU don't know cause you just don't get it and you think you do. An atheist can't provoke me to consider anything. You have to actually exercise common sense in order to get me to listen. Sensible atheist is a complete oxymoron.

S. said...

I agree. It is pretty ballsy to presume to know what god forgives. Even if God forgives anything for true believers, who says Protti is a true believer and that this religious act isn't all for show? You know, like she pretends to live in a different state, etc.?

Unknown said...

"She has not killed since..."

What? She deserves credit for only hacking one person to death? I'm sorry, but she was badly under-sentenced and got off with a slap on the wrist. Murder is not a "bad decision" nor is it a mistake. Murder is murder and it ends a person's life... forever. Whether she's changed or not, whether she's genuinely sorry or not, she doesn't deserve the right to anonymity. Presumably she has kids in her shiny new life, so I wonder what she'd think if someone (Heaven forbid) did to her family what she did to Kirsten's. And if it's cruel of me to say that, imagine living it.

GermanMartin said...

Frankie DelToro, how do we know what GOD wants? What are you an utter IDIOT? Obviously, we know what GOD wants from the Bible. He tells us how to live, how to treat people, and ask for forgivness even for the worst sin. Obviously we would know what GOD wants from us if we are following him. Idiot. I hope you never decide to be a lawyer. Your client would be hung on the spot. Or in this case, you would be hung on the spot for your logic. LOL

Unknown said...

Well, I won't be reading any more of this blog as the opinion of Kirsten is truly upsetting but I will leave a final comment on her behalf. First, I would like to address the many comments on her referring to God and Christ. I am a believer in Yeshua and as such I will refrain from any name calling as others should do that claim to be believers. Second, salvation only comes if we accept that He forgives and we ask and accept that forgiveness and forgive others as all sin is sin and is not rated. We are also called to point out sin as to others. This is not the same thing as trying to create a lynch mob. Bernadette is a jealous, dangerous person. The movie and Rolling Stone article was based on lies. There was NEVER a party to attend. That was proven. The knife was never investigated enough by the prosecution. We are to go on Virginia's word alone(Bernadette's sister). Was the knife put back in the car? Were witnesses questioned to valid that they saw a 2 foot knife in Virginia's car to "cut veggies"? I would submit to you the answer is "no". Bernadette stalked Kirsten. If Kirsten was so horrible, why would Bernadette even want anything to do with her? If Kirsten accepted Bernadette as a friend, I can guarantee she would have no problem with her so called bullying others. The prosecution was weak. A civil suit should have been filed to keep this case alive and to take the stigma that has been left with Kirsten. I am part of other blogs on Bernadette and her name and picture have been identified. Bernadette and her sister, Virginia post constantly with anonymous names and just as crazy now. A parole officer did not want to release Bernadette as her angry, jealous demeanor reared it's ugly head with her then inmate boyfriend. It is all documented. The Goldman's continued publicity about OJ helped to expose him and I feel because of there presence at his court hearing of his burglary of trying to retain his property so the Goldman's could not have access to it helped put him away. I will say that I do not agree with Mr. Goldman's anger and constant need to find out if OJ is getting beat up in jail. That is toxic to him and his family and takes away from the progress he made in ensuring justice was served for his son and Nicole. OJ was and always will be a danger and Nicole and Ron no longer have the stigma the defense tried to project. Bernadette is a sociopath with a personality disorder and justice was not served. Kirsten deserves her good name back and the lies need to be exposed whether that be through another movie or blogs that give facts on the case.

Karen : ) said...

"GemmaMartin" and "lovelylady" are either Bernadette, or one of her family members. Your references to God and the forgiveness of God has given you away. I hope people continue to expose you for the evil individual that you are.