Saturday, May 10, 2014

Bernadette Protti's name change documents

So, a lot of you have been writing me for years about this case. And it seems that the name change document was published a few months ago. For clarification, this is the same document that I came across years ago when I was looking for Bernadette Protti.

The day that I found her was an exciting day for me because I love sleuthing. Once I knew the name, I knew immediately that I would let everyone know that she was still around and doing ok. What happened after that was sort of shocking.....

I began receiving all kinds of despicable emails from people about me not revealing her identity. It got so bad at one point that I just lost interest in blogging about it. In one post I told all of the Bernadette Protti fanatics to go start their own blog. (I knew then that I needed to step back from this case.)

Well, it looks like someone did, but I still keep getting emails about this case. I know that people are interested in this case, just as I was interested. The part that I am not sure about is all of the "weirdness" surrounding the case.

I write about crimes every single day,  but I don't understand the cult following surrounding this case in particular.

Perhaps people feel as though Bernadette got away with murder. But, remember she did her time, though it was not much time, she served the standard amount of time that a juvenile would serve under the law. So in effect, she didn't get away.

Do I think she served enough time? No, If she had done this to my loved one, I would want to see her spend a lot more time in prison. However, she was processed as a juvenile and not as an adult. 

I have to admit though, some of the people following this case are a bit.....scary, to say the least. Many of you want to know if I am going to post her name and photo because she has been "outed."

My answer is still the same all these years later....I won't be posting it until she offends again, or she comes out of hiding to talk about her case herself.

Now about that photo of her on Facebook. I have to admit, I looked at the photo again last night when it was sent to me by a reader. It does look like her. Though in the photo that I have of her, she looks a lot older than she does in the Facebook photo. Perhaps, she looks a bit different because she isn't wearing make up in the Facebook photo, and she is not directly facing the camera.

A couple of questions though, why is the Facebook photo of her still up? If she had the document with her name change on it removed, then why keep the Facebook photo up? Is she not able to tell her sister-in-law to take it down because the sister-in-law doesn't know about her past? Or was the sister-in-law being shady and trying to out her?

Just random thoughts.....I'll be back later, gotta make dinner. I'll fix the typos later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Traciy, her SIL has since removed that pic of her holding her baby boy and her husband has since made his entire Facebook account private, whereas before you could see his friends and a few pix.